One of the noblest forms of work is that of the teacher.
Teaching should be considered a mission, and not a work just to get-by in life.
A good teacher helps building a better society, while the harm caused by a non devoted teacher has a negative ripple effect, beyond the boundaries of his/her community.
The most important qualification in education is the ability to inspire respect in students.
It is sad that in modern societies the work of a teacher has not been regarded on at the same level with other professions.
Naturally, therefore, the cleverest boys are not drawn towards that profession. But really the office of the teacher is the most important for a nation, because it builds the characters of the boys and girls who will be its future citizens
Students who are preparing for all careers live a common life in the same school, and they can only become useful to the nation as men, if their school life is happy.
A young child is naturally happy, and if that happiness is allowed to go on and grow in the school, and at home, then he will become a man who will make others happy. A teacher full of devotion
and sympathy will catch the attention of the students and make their school life a pleasant one.