How some shortsighted actions of governments prevent the promotion of peace through education.
These are excerpts of an interesting article written by
ETHAN BRONNER and published by the New York Times, online version:
GAZA — The American State Department has withdrawn all Fulbright grants to
Palestinian students in Gaza hoping to pursue advanced degrees at American institutions this fall because
Israel has not granted them permission to leave…….
“A letter was sent by e-mail to the students on Thursday telling them of the cancellation. Abdulrahman Abdullah, 30, who had been hoping to study for an M.B.A. at one of several American universities on his Fulbright, was in shock when he read it. ……..”
“If we are talking about peace and mutual understanding, it means investing in people who will later contribute to Palestinian society,” he said. “I am against Hamas. Their acts and policies are wrong. Israel talks about a Palestinian state. But who will build that state if we can get no training?”…
You can read the entire article by clicking on the following link:
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/30/world/middleeast/30gaza.html?th&emc=thPlease send your comments