24 July 2008


Every human being is born with an enormous potential and it goes unrealized because lacks Education.
Education can and will eradicate poverty, Education can and will eradicate famine, Education can and will eradicate terrorism, Education can and will promote human dignity, Education can and will eradicate discrimination, Education can and will promote understanding regardless of religious, ethnic, or national upbringing.
Education gives hope to build a better future.
All this can be accomplished if we all “march with our mouse” to promote Education, at all levels: local, national, international, etc.

17 July 2008


Education should be the number one industry in every nation, because its output, i.e. the educated citizens, will be the pillars upon which to build a better society.
The lack of education is the main cause of today’s violence and terror around the world.
An educated person will not fall prey to criminal organizations, to gang initiation rites, to fanatics who in the name of “religion” emphasize the use of violence to assert their rights.
An educated person goes beyond the slogans politicians use during an election campaign.
The so-called “war on the terror” can be won only by giving access to good education to the underprivileged, by building schools and not prisons.
Books, Not Bombs and Better-Qualified Teachers that is what is needed.
Democracy can only proliferate if “education” will become a social business, and a top priority in any political agenda.

13 July 2008

A dairy goat for education

A dairy goat in Heifer’s online gift catalog costs $120 and it is amazing how such a donation can change the life of a little girl destined to become one more illiterate African woman, another of the continent’s squandered human resources.
It is a valuable lesson to understand the importance of education to build a better world. If only an infinitesimal amount spent for the “war on terror” would be diverted to “Education”, many lives will be saved.
Building schools and training people to become good teachers is an unquestionable way to “export” democracy.

9 July 2008


Thanks to Riccardo D’Alpaos , who has designed and donated our new logo.

Contact us if you are interested in sharing our campaign to promote the importance of education.