2 April 2008

Respect is an important ingredient in education

The respect of the boy to the teacher will make him easy to guide, and so the question of punishment will never come up.
Therefore one great cause of fear which at present poisons all the relations between the teacher and his pupils will vanish.
When the teacher has learned to look upon his work as dedicating him to the service of humanity, then he will become part of the great “Teaching Department of the world”.
We could all argue that many children could not be managed in this way.
The answer is these children have been already marked by bad treatment. Nonetheless, they must be slowly improved by greater patience and constant attention.
This is the only and sure way to succeed when tried.
Living in this atmosphere of respect during school hours, the boy will become a better son and a better brother at home, and will bring home with him a feeling of strength, instead of coming home, as he generally does, depressed and tired.
When he, in turn, becomes the head of a household, he will fill it with the respect in which he has been brought up.

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